Source Data Using the WFS Request

To access metadata of the scene or to see which tiles are available, use the WFS request. Get started by checking out the WFS use examples.

Source Data Using the WFS Request on S3

In case one needs, for a specific purpose, source data used for some scene, he can use a WFS request with the same parameters as for WMS. A response will contain a path attribute, e.g. something along the lines of:

“path”: “s3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/310/S/DG/2015/12/7/0”

It is then possible to access these data from AWS, where they are stored by adding relevant filenames, see typical structure of a typical scene at AWS bellow.

In case you want to download it from outside of AWS network, you can change the address to:

Typical structure of the scene:

aws s3 ls s3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/10/S/DG/2015/12/7/0/
PRE auxiliary/
PRE preview/
PRE qi/
2017-08-27 20:39:26   2844474 B01.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   83913648 B02.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   89505314 B03.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   97645600 B04.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27033174 B05.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27202251 B06.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27621995 B07.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   100009241 B08.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   2987729 B09.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   1218596 B10.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27661057 B11.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27712884 B12.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   27909008 B8A.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   134890604 TCI.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:26   379381 metadata.xml
2017-08-27 20:39:26   166593 preview.jp2
2017-08-27 20:39:49   106056 preview.jpg
2017-08-27 20:39:47   1035 productInfo.json
2017-08-27 20:39:26   1678 tileInfo.json